Counting by fives
TOPIC: Vocabulary

The Solar System Song
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

Baa Baa Black Sheep + More Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

The Countries of the World Song, Asia
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

Our Planet, Earth - Continent and Animals
TOPIC: Natural world

The Shape Song Swingalong
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

My Childhood - It makes you think
TOPIC: Sports and activities

Opposite Words
TOPIC: Vocabulary

Countries and Nationalities
TOPIC: Vocabulary

Winter Wonderland
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

Six Little Ducks That I Once Knew
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

Phonics | Learn to read!
TOPIC: Communication

Counting by tens
TOPIC: Vocabulary

Rhyming Is So Easy!
TOPIC: Vocabulary

The Animals Went in Two by Two
TOPIC: Animals

Rhino Song
TOPIC: Animals

12 Days of Christmas
TOPIC: Holidays: Christmas

Counting by sixes Song
TOPIC: Vocabulary

English Conversation 101
TOPIC: Communication

Three Little Kittens Lost Their Mittens
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

Crazy Over Vegetables
TOPIC: Food and drink

Rock-a-bye Baby
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

Toucan Song
TOPIC: Animals

"Steve the Superhero"
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

Phonics (Rhyming Words)
TOPIC: Communication

The Dinosaurs' Song
TOPIC: Natural world

Phonics | Soft /c/ Sound
TOPIC: Communication

Food at School
TOPIC: Food and drink

Five Senses Song
TOPIC: Vocabulary

Stretching Song
TOPIC: Body and health

Pets in the UK
TOPIC: Animals

Telling Time Song for Kids
TOPIC: Vocabulary

The Cat Came Back
TOPIC: Travel

Barefoot - Over in the Meadow
TOPIC: Animals

Incy Wincy Spider
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

Ants in Your Pants
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

The Countries of the World Song - Europe
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

There's a Hole in My Bucket
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

Up, up, up!
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

TOPIC: Relationships

Whole World
TOPIC: Natural world

Turtle's Flute
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

Digraphs, Phonics Songs for Children
TOPIC: Communication

My Lucky Day
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

Rosa Goes to the City
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

The Whale Who Ate Everything
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

London sightseeing
TOPIC: Holidays

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

The Shape Songs Swingalong
TOPIC: Vocabulary

I Am a Music Man
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

Beside The Seaside Sing-a-long
TOPIC: Holidays

Princess and the Dragon
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

Schools In Britain
TOPIC: Education

English - Sports: rowing
TOPIC: Sports and activities

Tones and I - Dance Monkey
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

Family Sing Along
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

The Pied Piper of Hamelin
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

Jack and the Beanstalk
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

Little Red Riding Hood
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

London transport
TOPIC: Travel

Port Side Pirates
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

Sport in the UK
TOPIC: Sports and activities

Festivities and Special Occasions
TOPIC: Holidays

Goldilocks and The Three Bears
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

The More We Get Together
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

Cheeku & Lizzy Bizzy
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

Royal Family
TOPIC: Politics

How Much is That Doggie in the Window
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

The Wind and the Sun
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

The Greatest Treasure
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

English pronunciation
TOPIC: Communication

When the Snow Falls
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

Going to the Zoo Tomorrow
TOPIC: Animals

Phonics | 'Ou' and 'Ow' Sound
TOPIC: Communication

Multicultural Britain
TOPIC: Travel

Little Red Horse Song
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

The First Well
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

A2: Shopping Vocabulary
TOPIC: Shopping

A Farmer's Life For Me

Rhymes for learning English
TOPIC: Arts and media

The Boo in the Shoe
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

Little Red Riding Hood
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

The Ugly Duckling
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

"How Big"
TOPIC: Natural world

The Three Little Pigs
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

Santa Claus is Coming to Town
TOPIC: Holidays: Christmas

She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

Pronunciation | The silent "e"
TOPIC: Communication

Do-Re-Me lyrics
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

Magic Train Ride
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

The Monster Shopping Trip
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

Phonics | Digraph /ow, ou/ Sound
TOPIC: Communication

The Magic Pot Story
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

Green Anaconda Song
TOPIC: Animals

My No, No, No Day
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

Fools Garden - Lemon Tree
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

The Elves and the Shoemaker
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

Red Riding Hood
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

Jack and the Green Sock
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

The Tale of the Sun and the Moon
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

More rhymes for children learning English
TOPIC: Arts and media

A2: Mother's Day Song
TOPIC: Holidays

The United Kingdom
TOPIC: Describing things

English - Cinema and theatre in London
TOPIC: Arts and media: film

I've Been Working On The Rail Road
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

Marshmello ft. Bastille - Happier
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

The Four Friends
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

We Will Rock You - Queen
TOPIC: Arts and media: song


English Listening Practice - Travel
TOPIC: Travel

Goldilocks and The Three Bears
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

White Christmas - karaoke
TOPIC: Holidays: Christmas

Listening Practice - Reading
TOPIC: Communication

A2 Essential Opposites
TOPIC: Vocabulary

Let it Go - Idina Menzel
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

Young People and Free Time
TOPIC: People: actions

Describing a Photo - Watering Can
TOPIC: Describing things

My Daily Routine
TOPIC: People: actions

Gingerbread Man
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

TOPIC: Travel

Listening Practice - Sports
TOPIC: Sports and activities

TOPIC: Arts and media: story

Don't Worry, Be Happy
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

Describing a Photo - 'Kittens in a Basket'
TOPIC: Describing things

Cricket at the Zoo
TOPIC: Sports and activities

The Monkees - I'm a Believer
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

Describing a Photo - 'Girl Waiting'
TOPIC: Describing things

Listening Practice - Cars and Driving
TOPIC: Travel

The Frog Prince Fairy Tale
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

One Direction - One Way or Another
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

Read Aloud - Eat Your Peas
TOPIC: Arts and media: story

The Police - Every Step You Take
TOPIC: Arts and media: song

Master the Prepositions of Time In, On and At
TOPIC: Grammar: Prepositions

A2 English Level Test