Pre A1 Starters (ANIMALS)
TOPIC: Animals
Pre A1 Starters (FAMILY and FRIENDS)
TOPIC: Relationships
Pre A1 Starters (COLOURS)
TOPIC: Describing things
Pre A1 Starters (THE BODY and THE FACE)
TOPIC: Body and health
Pre A1 Starters (CLOTHES)
TOPIC: Clothing
Pre A1 Starters (SCHOOL)
TOPIC: Education
Pre A1 Starters (NUMBERS)
TOPIC: Education
Pre A1 Starters (FOOD and DRINK)
TOPIC: Food and drink
Pre A1 Starters (THE HOME)
TOPIC: Homes and buildings
Pre A1 Starters (SPORTS and LEISURE)
TOPIC: Sports and activities
Pre A1 Starters (TIME)
TOPIC: Education
Pre A1 Starters (PLACES and DIRECTIONS)
TOPIC: Describing things
Pre A1 Starters (TOYS)
TOPIC: Games and Activities
Pre A1 Starters (TRANSPORT)
TOPIC: Travel