Level Skill Exam Length Topic Download Description
Pre A1 Starters Animals match ups, quizzes and anagram Vocabulary General English (NO specific exam), Cambridge Pre A1 Starters 11 pages Animals

ESL printable games (ESL worksheets) for teachers or students using the following video about animals for pre A1 starters: https://youtu.be/GE2coPd1nxc

A1 grammar lesson 2 - Verb 'To Be' Contractions - Complete the sentence Grammar General English (NO specific exam) 1 Grammar

ESL worksheet (ESL printable) with complete the sentence activity for teachers or students using the following video about the Verb 'To Be' Contractions: https://youtu.be/Bs1jC5ySDeA

A1 grammar lesson 1 - Verb 'To Be' Affirmative - Group sort Grammar General English (NO specific exam) 1 Grammar

ESL worksheet (ESL printable) with group sort for teachers or students using the following video about the Verb 'To Be' Affirmative: https://youtu.be/HFFfqaisTk0

Prepositions of time IN, ON and AT ESL printable games - Group sort and Quiz Grammar, Vocabulary General English (NO specific exam) 2 Grammar: Prepositions

ESL worksheets (ESL printable games) with group sort and quiz for teachers or students using the following video about prepositions of time IN, ON and AT: https://youtu.be/U3CzyvRh7So

English speaking practice about A1 Beginner transport vocabulary | Wordsearch ESL printable game Listening, Vocabulary, Speaking General English (NO specific exam) 1 Travel

ESL Printable game with Wordsearch for teachers or students using the following video about transport vocabulary: https://youtu.be/OLuQV6j3oQM

My Childhood Poem - kids activities in the 1950s vs today - quiz and match up line drawing Listening, Vocabulary General English (NO specific exam) 3 Sports and activities

ESL worksheets (Printable PDFs) with quiz and match up line drawing for teachers or students using the following video about Childhood activities in the 1950s vs. today: https://youtu.be/B8aja5-GHIM

CEFR B2 Adventure at Sea story | -ED sound group sort game Listening, Vocabulary, Speaking General English (NO specific exam) 1 Arts and media: story

ESL printable game with -ED sound group sort for teachers or students using the story on the following video: https://youtu.be/VqmPcpTQ_pg

CEFR B2 Essential vocabulary about animals Wordsearch Vocabulary General English (NO specific exam) 1 Animals

ESL printable game (ESL worksheet) for teachers or students using the following video about animals: https://youtu.be/bGfYMXdEsAY

CEFR B2 Collocations in English about money Quiz Vocabulary, Collocations General English (NO specific exam) 1 Vocabulary: collocations

ESL worksheet (Printable PDF) for teachers or students using the following video of Collocations in English about Money: https://youtu.be/GkZ09Nz9cVU

Gestures quiz and match up line drawing Vocabulary, Speaking General English (NO specific exam) 3 Communication

ESL printable games (ESL worksheets) with quiz and match up line drawing for teachers or students using the following video about Gestures to communicate in English: https://youtu.be/4jWu6zuP-TA

CEFR C1 and C2 Talking about People's Ages Crossword and Quiz Vocabulary, Speaking, Writing General English (NO specific exam), Cambridge C1 Advanced 2 People: appearance

ESL printable games (ESL worksheets) with crossword and quiz for teachers or students using the following video about Describing people's ages: https://youtu.be/FlT9ukmMuGI

CEFR B1 on vacation crossword and quiz Vocabulary General English (NO specific exam) 2 Holidays

ESL printable games (ESL worksheets) with crossword and quiz for teachers or students using the following video about going on vacation to the seaside: https://youtu.be/2tlsX9Sv25c

CEFR B1 clothing crossword and quiz Vocabulary General English (NO specific exam), Cambridge B1 Preliminary 2 Clothing

ESL worksheets (Printable PDF) with crossword and quiz for teachers or students using the following video about clothing: https://youtu.be/yS0aAOTcnrE

CEFR A2 essential opposites vocabulary quiz and match up line drawing Vocabulary General English (NO specific exam) 2 Vocabulary

ESL worksheets (Printable PDF) with quiz and match up line drawing for teachers or students using the following video about essential opposites al elementary level: https://youtu.be/LskVVRCYTZs

CEFR B2 Describing people - bad habits. Unjumble the words to make the sentence. Vocabulary, Speaking Cambridge B2 First, APTIS General 1 People: personality

ESL worksheets (Printable PDF) with unjumble ESL game for teachers or students using the following video about Describing peoples' bad habits: https://youtu.be/gyWhDkt_HJs

6 Essential CEFR B1 Intermediate Synonyms and Antonyms quiz and match up line drawing Vocabulary General English (NO specific exam) 2 Vocabulary

ESL worksheets (Printable PDF) with quiz and match up line drawing for teachers or students using the following video about 6 Essential B1 Intermediate Synonyms and Antonyms: https://youtu.be/EE9FnkW5U5g

CEFR A2 shopping vocabulary quiz and match up line drawing Vocabulary General English (NO specific exam), Cambridge A2 Key 2 Shopping

ESL worksheets (Printable PDF) with quiz and match up line drawing for teachers or students using the following video about shopping: https://youtu.be/TiQl-wnKfGA

CEFR B2, C1, C2 MAKE collocations - Complete the sentence Vocabulary General English (NO specific exam) 8 Vocabulary: collocations

ESL worksheets (Printable PDF) for teachers or students using the following video about Collocations in English with MAKE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_SwsK2enL8

CEFR B2 clothes crossword and wordsearch Vocabulary General English (NO specific exam), Cambridge B2 First, APTIS General 2 Clothing

ESL worksheets (Printable PDF) with crossword and wordsearch for teachers or students using the following video about clothes: https://youtu.be/ryLUI9x6MUA

CEFR B2, C1, C2 DO collocations - Complete the sentence Vocabulary General English (NO specific exam) 3 Vocabulary: collocations

ESL worksheets (Printable PDF) for teachers or students using the following video about Collocations in English with DO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jh9LsrNlxDA